Beginner - Advanced
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The FLYSURFER all-round performance product line appeals to all freeriders who do not limit themselves, love to travel, and want to rely on a safe
kite. The legendary SOUL encompasses the entire spectrum of kiting and
is always the right choice. The session saver, the one-kite solution, or the
compact, worry-free kite to be ready anytime.
SOUL... all you need!
Adjusted Outline
Improves turning and minimizes wingtip folding.
Optimizes airflow, minimizes leading edge irritation, and reduces backstall.
Material Mix Bridle Lines
A and Z levels made of Dyneema. B and C levels made of Kevlar. The product reduces the need for frequent trimming over long-term use.
Weight Optimization
Enhances control and agility.
Adjusted Aspect Ratio
Allows the kite to trun in tight radii.
Air Intake Line
A line that prevents air intake deformation at low angles of attack. Enhances performance and stability at high flight speeds.
Optimized Profile
Knowledge transfer from the racing sector. Increases control at high speeds and gust stability.
Backstall Resistance
Profiles, weight optimization, and CCB cut enable a great park-and-ride feeling.
Aspect ratio, outline, and wing tip profiles support a playful riding experience.
Performance Tuner
Knot ladder on the Z-main to adjust the C-level. Changes flight characteristics and can be easily adjusted by users according to their preferences
TX-Light Fabric
Increased tear resistance, improved diagonal stiffness, triple ripstop, soft
and hard finish coatings, 33 g/m².
Bridle Check Tool
Reference points marked in the line plan. Black tags sewn on bridle lines
to measure offsets after long-term use.
Inflation & Deflation
Increased number of crossports that improve the inflation and deflation of
the kite. Allows for faster launching and more comfortable packing.
Drainage System Exit
Trailing edge cut at a 45° angle on the wing tip to expel water and dirt
during relaunch.
Trim Checker
Handle with splice lock and attachment points for fixing the front and back
main lines. Supports trimming and adjustment of the mixer.
Reinforced Attachment Points
Double layer fabric sewn around points A1, B1, C1, Z1, Z2 to prevent damage
under shock loads.
You are looking for a kite that meets all the requirements of a real power kite
Beginner - Advanced